Qin Emperor does not have an influencing consort.
When you first obtain Qin Emperor, his skills are:
- Total Stars: 16, Total Potential: 100
- Commerce: 5 stars, Potential: 32
- Agriculture: 3 stars, Potential: 18
- Political: 3 stars, Potential: 18
- Military: 5 stars, Potential: 32
Type: Legendary
Specialty: Commerce, Military
How to Acquire: Obtain from Cross-Server Power Rank Boost. 100 soul shards or 1 Qin Emperor Soul are needed to obtain Qin Emperor.
Emperor Genius Effects[]
The Reappearance of Qin Emperor: Qin Emperor's Clone is not available in the Challenge List in the Parade Ground. The Close possesses 100% of Qin Emperor's Stats and can be used to take Challenge/Avenge/Rebel Capturing.
Qin Emperor's Robe: Unlocked after enhancing Qin Emperor once. Your Costume and Avatar will all be changed.
Push The Advantage: Unlocked after enhancing Qin Emperor 4 times. When you eliminate all enemies with Qin Emperor in the Parade Ground, the enemy suffers a double point loss.
Unstoppable Momentum: Unlocked after enhancing Qin Emperor 8 times. When you eliminate all enemies with Qin Emperor in the Parade Ground, you can obtain double points.